Emergency Information Law
In light of the present emergency and threat to national security and public order, the following provisions of law are declared to be in force on promulgation of this order.
- Anyone uttering, publishing, broadcasting or performing a prohibited expression may be summarily executed, or imprisoned indefinitely, at the discretion of the emergency authorities.
- Publishing any writing without a permit issued after prior censorship constitutes prohibited expression.
- Publishing includes, but is not limited to, creating or distributing multiple copies of a writing, displaying a writing publicly where it can be seen by others, reading aloud from a writing, or sending or showing a writing to more than one person even privately (other than during the censorship and permit process). Copies made for internal business use may, but need not, be exempted in the discretion of the emergency authorities
- Writing includes images of every kind.
- Books, newspapers, journals and other writings in existence before the promulgation of this order are considered prohibited expression until they are subjected to censorship and licensing. Libraries will be sealed pending completion of censorship, and the presence of any person in any library outside a private home, except in the course of the censorship process, is prohibited until further order.
- Broadcasting any expression, verbal, visual or musical, without a permit issued after prior censorship constitutes prohibited expression.
- Broadcasting includes transmission by any electronic means, including but not limited to loudspeaker, telephone, telegraph, facsimile machine, phonograph record, audio- or videotape or disc, radio (including cellular telephone), Internet and satellite.
- Performing without a permit issued after prior censorship constitutes prohibited expression.
- Performing includes any theatrical, musical expression, recitation, song, utterance, or other communication intended to be heard or seen, or capable of being heard or seen, by more than three persons other than the performer.
- Utterances by individuals intended to be heard, or capable of being heard, by more than three persons, or writings sent or shown to at least one other person, may constitute prohibited expression if the content has been suppressed in identical or substantially similar form by the censors, is contrary to the position of the state or the emergency authorities or the national religion, or expresses sentiments contrary to patriotism and national spirit or ideology or sentiments specifically forbidden by emergency authorities to be expressed.
- Emergency authorities may evaluate such utterances for such content, and their determination is reviewable only at the discretion of the evaluating authority or his or her superior.
- Emergency authorities include agents of the state, the military, the special state guard, the popular police, the ideological militia, the guardians of morality, and police and religious authorities.
- Execution shall be immediate, by pistol shot; substitution of indefinite confinement is permitted in the discretion of the apprehending officer. Torture is not permitted.
- The sanctions against prohibited expression extend to all who participate, even if only technically or tangentially, in preparing and publishing or uttering the expression, or in facilitating it.
- In addition to summary execution (or discretionary indefinite imprisonment), all property real and personal used for prohibited expression will be summarily forfeited, and may be confiscated, transferred or destroyed in the discretion of the emergency authorities.
- No court of the United States or any State shall have jurisdiction to consider any action arising under this Act.
Emergency Information Law
Emergency Information Law
In light of the present emergency and threat to national security and public order, the following provisions of law are declared to be in force on promulgation of this order.